Standard CS-Cart Installation
Most of the sophisticated Addons need to be install with the old fashion way (standard installation) and not the newly introduced install way from CS-Cart .(via the popup window)
That is the way through copying files to the root of your store via FTP
You need either FTP Credentials for that or Cpanel/Plesk CredentiaLs in order to use the intergated file Manager.
1. Extract the Files in the zip file we send you in a folder on you computer (desktop is the best place to find them immediately)
2. Open FTP programm and connect to your store FTP
3. Copy the files from that folder to the root of your store.
4. Go to Addons Menu in the Admin Screen of your store and find the new Addon in the list (or the second tab "available Addons" when vresion is 42x) .
5. Hit Install
6. If neccesary make appropriate changes to the Addon Settings screen by clicking the name of the Addon (It will be blue in color if any Settings available)
Thats it.
If you are not familiar with these methods we will be happy to do the install for you, for a small fee. Just choose Install option at the Addon Product Screen befrore you put it in the Cart.